As photographers, it's easy to have tunnel vision while we shoot. The subject in this photo was obviously the leopard and many of my photos had the cat filling the frame. These were nice images and I could have stopped there, but, that would have been a tragedy, because the images of the leopard lacked a story. They were flat and sterile. I decided to wait for something or someone to interact with the animal in a personal way. I didn't have to wait long. Several people walked thru the exhibit with little or no reaction to the leopard pacing back and forth in the corner and then it happened. A young girl and her mother stepped up to the enclosure and only inches (and very thick glass) separated them from the beautiful predator. I couldn't believe my luck. I couldn't have set this up better. I took a couple of shots and it was over. Later at home, I looked thru my images of the day and found this shot to be one of my favorite zoo images. Sometimes, you have to wait for everything to line up.
Well done. You are absolutely right about sometimes having to" wait for everything to line up". Many people go through life not figuring that out, and I think they miss a great deal.