Can you believe it? This is my first post in over three months. I've been saving my money to buy a small RV, (more details to come) and I've been on a very tight budget. With the cost of gas these days, getting out to shoot in a place like South Florida, where everything is spread out is challenging.
I spent this morning driving along the A1A from Ft. Lauderdale to Hollywood, FL, stopping a few times to check things out. I was mostly scouting for early morning photo ops but managed to shoot a little. This image was made on the sand at Ft. Lauderdale City Beach. It is straight out of the camera with no editing at all. I'm shooting both Raw and JPEG format now to cut back on post work. I'll save the RAW images for further post production work at a later date.
The clouds and fog were beginning to burn off and the the sun was coming on strong. We've had temperatures hovering in the low to mid 80s for as long as I can remember and the nights have been wonderful. High humidity is coming this weekend, so, we'll see how that goes.
I'll try to publish more often in the future. June 20th, 2011, I'll be taking off to San Diego via New Orleans, San Antonio, White Sands, and Tucson. I'll be shooting and posting as I go so stay tuned.
Mandrills - San Diego Zoo - June 2019
5 years ago
Yeah! Good to hear you'll be traveling to San Diego. I look forward to seeing you again Greg.